Create Customer Service Connection Step 2 Window

Use the Create Customer Service Connection Step 2 Window to enter the type of connection, the Inventory item used at the connection, if applicable and other information describing the service connection.

Tip:  For general information about using wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.


To display the Create Customer Service Connection Step 2 window:

1.  From the Inquiry, click Tools and then, click Wizards.

2.  In the Create section, click Customer.

3.  To navigate to the step that you want to maintain click Next  or click Back  until the data that you want to maintain displays in the Data Entry Panel.


Or from the Connection view, click Add Connection .


Create Customer Service Connection Step 2 Example:


Data Entry Panel - Create Customer Service Connection Step 2 Prompts


Reference Type

To specify the type of connection, click an option in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Location - Billing is non-component based and does not require an Inventory item.  

  • Meter - Billing metered services.

  • Trailer - Billing metered services which have two or more dials requiring multiple readings.

  • Component - Billing elements other than usage meters, for example, lights or hydrants.

  • Backflow - Billing elements using another type of metered or non-metered inventory.

  • Inventory - Billing elements using another type of metered or non-metered inventory.

  • Inactive - Billing elements that are no longer active.

Reference ID

Enter the defined Meter ID, Trailer ID, or Component ID assigned to the service connection, if applicable. (up to 18 characters)


  • Leave blank for Location Reference Type.

  • To search for a Meter ID, Trailer ID or Component ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To edit the meter, trailer or component information, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

  • To create a new Meter ID, Trailer ID or Component ID, click Wizard or press [CTRL + w].

Reference Serial ID

Enter the Reference Serial ID, if you are maintaining serialized inventory. (up to 18 characters)

Note:  This field is only active if you select Inventory for the Reference Type.

Primary Service Code

The default  primary service for this connection, is highlighted in the drop-down list.  Press [TAB] to accept or click another choice in the drop-down list.

Tip: The Primary Service Code is used during the Meter Communications Export routines.

Billing Type ID

If the reading and usage from the connection should be used in conjunction with another connection's reading and usage, enter the defined Billing Type ID to specify the relationship between the two connections.  The Billing Type ID establishes the relationship between certain types of connections that require additional information, such as, compound or credit compound connections. (up to 10 characters)


  • To search for a Billing Type ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Billing Type ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Parent Connection ID

If you entered a Billing Type ID, enter the main connection's ID here.  For example, if the service connection is a Trailer Reference Type and you entered a Trailer ID as the Reference ID, click to select the default Meter ID displayed in the drop-down list as the parent connection.  Otherwise, leave blank. (up to 18 characters)

Note:  If this service connection's reading and usage should be used in conjunction with another connection's readings and usage, then the Parent Connection ID is needed.

To complete the entries and continue to next window, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

For directions to the next window, click here.