Edit User-Definable Location Fields Wizard
Use the Edit Location User Definable Fields Wizard to maintain the location's information for several alpha and numeric fields defined to suit your purposes. The location user definable fields are informational only and can be used for reporting purposes. The table following the window example describes the data entry area for the Edit Location User Definable Fields Wizard.
Because the Customer User Definable Fields and field labels can be tailored to suit your needs, the field labels in the software may not match the documentation. You can tailor the fields and field labels during Alpha Table Maintenance and Numeric Table Maintenance.
Icons displaying
next to certain field labels indicate that the field has a
Search capability or
file attachment.
To display the Edit Location User Definable Fields Wizard:
1. From the Enhanced Inquiry click Tools and then Wizards.
2. Then, select Edit Location User Definable Fields.
3. At the Location step, select the location for which to maintain the user definable fields.
Data Entry Panel - Edit Location User Definable Fields Wizard Example:
Data Entry Panel - Edit Location User Definable Fields Prompts Tip: To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field name. |
Maintain and view the location's information for the alpha user-definable fields. (format varies) Notes:
Maintain and view the location's information for the numeric user-definable fields. (12.2 numeric) Tip: While there are 60 fields available, only the fields that are defined display. You can define the fields and field labels during Numeric Table Maintenance. |
Tip: Back is not active for this step. |
Tip: Next is not active for the last step. |
To validate and save the data for the wizard, click Finish. The wizard window closes when the save is complete. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + s] |
To close the wizard without validating or saving the data, click Close. |