Unbilled Claims Listing Instructions
Use the Unbilled Claims Listing Instructions to list all tickets that were scheduled to be billed but did not get billed. The report searches the Ticket file for unbilled claims and reports all claims that do not have a Billing Date and have an open balance. The listing includes the ticket numbers, account numbers, service dates and open balances, all of which should be verified. Your goal is to have a blank printout, which means that all your claims were billed during the billing cycle. A total of the unbilled open amounts prints at the end of the report.
You should run the Unbilled Claims Listing immediately after the billing cycle is completed. For more information on the sequence of billing tasks, see Billing Overview.
an account is listed, here are some of the reasons why it may have
been included:
Tip: To view the ticket details, use the Patient
Inquiries - Transaction Details Window.
The ticket has a Hold-To-Date.
The patient account has a Hold Status.
The ticket includes an Admission Date, but not a Discharge Date and you chose to exclude Open Admission Tickets during the Workfile Build/Prelist.
The Billing run is incomplete. For example, the printer jammed while you were printing paper claims.
The Charges have not been posted yet.
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