Report Writer - Report Settings

Obsolete - not used

Author:  This is the newer version of the report writer.

Author Reminders:

This topic describes how you can save specific settings for a report to be reused later.  The settings include the Range Options and Sort Options specified for a report.



Report Settings Instructions

Open Existing Settings

To open an existing set of report options:

1.  Click Open .
:  Or click Open from the File Menu.
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT] [f] [o]

2.  At the following prompt, click the name of the report settings you want to use in the drop-down list.

Save Current Settings

To save the currently displayed settings for the report:

1.  Set the Range Options and Sort Options for the report.

2.  Click Save .
:  Or click Save from the File Menu.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [f] [s]

3.  At the following prompt, enter a unique name for the report options you are about to save.

  • To save the settings, click OK or press [ENTER].

  • Or, to return to the Report Writer prompt without saving the settings, click Cancel.

Delete Existing Settings

To delete existing settings for a report:

1.  Open the report settings that you want to delete.

2.  Click Delete .
:  Or click Delete from the File Menu.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [f] [d]

3.  You will see the following prompt.

  • To delete the report settings, click OK or press [ENTER].

  • Or, to return to the Report Writer prompt without deleting the settings, click Cancel.

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