Contact Type Maintenance

Use Contact Type Maintenance to identify and describe the types of contacts your organization has.  For example, if you have multiple types of email addresses you can add a description to uniquely identify each type:  email - work, email - personal, email - personal II.



To open Contact Type Maintenance:

1.  From the Inquiry, click View and then click Customer.  

2.  Go to customer contacts area and click Add Contacts .  

3.  From the Account Contact Maintenance to add a new type of contact click Edit .


Contact Type Maintenance Window Example:



Contact Type Maintenance Prompts


To start a new type of contact, click New.

Contact Type

To specify the type of contact, click a choice in the drop-down menu.


Enter a description for the type.  The description will display when the type is used for a contact.

To save your entries, click Save.

When finished, click Close to close the screen.