EDIFICE Inquiry - Tasks View

The Tasks View offers a place to view, create and update tasks for yourself or for anyone in your organization.  A task can be anything that needs to be done.  It's important to view the tasks regularly through this view or from the Timeline view to track whether tasks are being completed.  All tasks can be viewed or the list can be narrowed to just those only open tasks, assigned by you or assigned to you.  As a reminder, a task is listed in pink if the due date has past today's date.



From the EDIFICE Inquiry, click Tools and then click Tasks.


EDIFICE Inquiry - Tasks View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Tasks View Prompts

Viewing Tasks

To start, click a choice in the drop-down list to specify which tasks to view and then, click Search.  A list of tasks will display.  

You can choose to view all tasks, only your open tasks, or all open or all tasks assigned by me as shown in this drop-down list.

Organizing Tasks

The tasks display in a list.  The list of tasks can be sorted and filtered so that you only see the desired ones.

To sort the list, simply click the desired column heading.  To sort in descending order, click the column heading a second time.

To limit the tasks to those that meet certain criteria, click Filter next to the desired column heading.  The available filter choices display.  Here is an example of task due date filters.

To select the choices to use as criteria, click to check the desired box or boxes and then, click OK.

Note:  Advanced filtering options are available by clicking Text Filters.


Add a Task

To add a task, click Add a Task .  The following window opens:




Enter the name or description of the task.


Select the due date for this task.  If the task is recurring, select the first date that the task is due to be completed.

Assigned To

Select the name of the person this task is assigned to.


Enter notes about the task.  Notes can include details pertaining to the task.

Recurring Task?

If the task should be performed on a periodic basis, for example, the same time each month, check the Recurring Task box.

Note:  When a recurring task is completed, the Create Task window automatically opens for the user to select the date for the next time the task is to be performed.

To create the task, click Create Task.

Or, to cancel this entry, click Cancel.

Complete a Task

When a task is finished, to indicate that it is complete, simply check the Complete? box.  

Note:  When the box for complete? is checked for a recurring task, the Create Task window opens for the user to select the date for the next time the task is to be performed.