EDIFICE Frequently Used Tables and Linking
Here is a list of the most commonly used EDIFICE tables. You may find this list helpful for third-party reporting purposes. In addition, below you will find information that pertains to linking (or joining) tables to retrieve the desired information for third-party reporting purposes.
Commonly Used EDIFICE Tables |
Location Files |
Customer Files |
Connection Files |
There are times that you will need to link information from one table to create the common threads needed to retrieve the information you want. Below are some examples of commonly used table links.
Note: For more information, please contact NDS Support.
To link the Location Billing File to the Location Master File, you will need to incorporate a third file to create the common threads needed to link the information.
location_billing location_connection location_master
location_billing.Connection_ID location_connection.Connection_ID
location_connection.Location_ID location_master.Location_ID
location_master st_index
location_master UBCUSTM1
location_master.Svc_St_Name_Index st_index.Street_Index_ID
location_master.Owner_ID customer_master.Customer_ID
Tip: This will provide a report for owners. If billing for tenants, you can create another report using the Tenant_ID instead of the Owner_ID.
customer_master location_master
location_master st_index (to get service location information.)
location_master location_connection
location_connection meter_master
customer_master.Customer_ID location_master.Owner_ID
location_master.Svc_St_Name_Index st_index.Street_Index_ID
location_master.Location_ID location_connection.Location_ID
location_connection.Reference_ID meter_master.Meter_ID