iKnowSys Reports Overview

Below is a list of the iKnowSys reports that are included in Edifice along with their description.  To see what a report looks like, click the report name.


iKnowSys Reports

Report Name

Report Description


Financial Grand Totals

Summary of the AR balances

Financial Service Totals

Summary of the AR balances by Service

Financial Finance Period Totals

Summary of AR balances by Finance Period

Financial Company Totals

Summary of AR balances by Company

Financial Class Totals

Summary of AR balances by Rate Class

Activity Totals Analysis

Estimate of customer balances prior to last billing

Activity Totals Analysis Balance Only

Same as above except only reports customers with balances

Miscellaneous Financial

Customer Loan Master

Listing of loan masters & their associated information

Customer Loan Payment Report

Listing of loan information & last payment amounts

Customer Loan Payment Detail

Listing of loan payment detail

Customer Payments by Date

Lists customer payments by date with a total count of the number of customers.

Customer Payment Plans

Listing of customer payment plan details


Rate Class Billing Charges

Summary of charges by Rate Class & Company for time period

Rate Class Billing Consumption

Summary of usage by Rate Class & Company for time period

Transaction Code Charges

Summary of charges by Transaction Cd & Company for time pd

Transaction Code Payments

Summary of payments by Transaction Cd & Company for time pd

Top 50 Consumption Locations

Listing of top 50 usage locations for a time period

Top 10 Charges

Listing of top 10 customer with charges for a time period


Location Master Address

Listing of service locations with addresses & owner names

Location Master Address Occupied

Occupied Listing of occupied service locations w/owner information

Location Master Address Vacant

Listing of vacant service locations w/owner information

Location Address Columns

Listing of the service locations

Location Status

Listing of the service locations with location status

Location Profile

Listing of the service locations w/meter and profile information

Customer Master

Listing of customers, their addresses, status & phone no.

Customer Service Detail Status

Detailed listing of customer information by Company & Service Cd

Street Index

Listing of street index information

Meter Master

Listing of meters and their information

Meter By Size

Lists meters by size with customer information

Meters With Radio MIU Numbers

Lists the Location and Meter information for Meters with their Radio MIU numbers

Meters Without Radio MIU Numbers

Lists the Location and Meter information for Meters without their Radio MIU numbers

Location Master Detail

Listing of meter information with location information

Location Customer Status

Lists locations w/owner mailing address, location & status

Backflow Customer List

Lists Backflows w/ location and customer information

Backflow Master List

Lists the Backflow Masters and their information

Backflow Testing Month

Lists the Backflow Calendar Ids and their description

Backflow Testing Results

Lists the Backflow testing results

Backflows To Be Tested

Lists backflows w/locations & customers for a given time period

Additional Addresses

Listing of customers and their additional address information

Streetlight Listing Report

Lists locations and customers with billable Streetlights along with the physical address


Total Meter Size Count

Count of meters by Service Cd & Size w/YTD usage & charges

Book Meter Size Count

Count of meters by Service, Size & Book w/YTD usage & charges

Customer Rate Class

Count of customers by Service & Rate Class

Customer Rate Frequency

Count of customers by Service & Rate Class & Bill Frequency

Customer Service Status

Separate count of customers by Company, Rate Class & Service


Print Billing Statement (print=0)

Count of accounts that did not have a statement printed

Print Billing Statement (print=1)

Count of accounts that had a statement printed

Print Billing Statement (finl_tot)

Count of accounts that had a final billing statement printed

Print Billing Statement (adjm_tot)

Count of accounts that had billing adjustment statement printed

Open Item

Open Item Totals

Listing of open item transactions with detail

Open Item Totals w/Description

Listing of open item transactions with detail & Transaction Code

ATB Reports

ATB Individual Invoices

Listing of accounts with individual invoices

ATB Group Totals By Fund Codes

Listing of invoices grouped by Category

Service Management

Work Order Master List

Listing of work orders grouped by Territory

Work Order Master List Grouped by Type

Listing of work orders grouped by Call Type

Work Order Master List Totals Only

Count of work orders grouped by Territory