Process Control Options

The Process Control program, also referred to as Process Options, allows you to control how you are informed of the status of certain functions or processes in the Fund Accounting Workbench.  A process is a program function that runs in the background and performs operations that require only minimal interaction with the user.  With this program you can direct the system to display a notice when a function is complete or updated.  The Process Control dialog box is used to select the process and to control the status information desired.



To view the Process Control window:

1.  Click Windows from the Menu Bar.

2.  Click Processes.

3.  Click Process Options.
Keyboard Shortcut
:  [ALT] [w] [p] [p]


To see information about using the Process Control window, click More.


Process Control Window Example:


Process Control Options


Click the process or function that you want to monitor.  The process becomes highlighted.

Notify When Complete

To be notified when the highlighted function is complete, select this box.

Notify When Updated

To be notified when the highlighted function is updated, select this box.

To see the process information, if available, click Process Attention.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + a]

To cancel the process, if permitted, click Process End.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + e]

Note:  Some processes, such as posting, cannot be terminated using Process End.  If you try to end a prohibited process, you will see an error message.

To close the Process Control window, click Close.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]