Year End Clear Routines Instructions

There are six Year End Clear Routines.  These routines clear all appropriation files in your current year to allow entry of the next year's appropriated amounts. Which selections your facility runs depends on if your system is set for Dual Fiscal Years or not.


1.  Vendor Master Fiscal Year End

This clear routine does two things:

a.  Copies the Fiscal Expend YTD amount on all Vendor Masters to the Fiscal Expend Last Year field, and

b.  Clears the Fiscal Expend YTD field.

2.  Appropriation Master and Monthly Files

This clear routine does four things:

a.  Copies the Expenditures Last Year amount on all Appropriation Masters to the Expenditures Year Before Last field,

b.  Adds the Expended A/P and Expended Paid amounts together and copies that total to the Expenditures Last Year field, and

c.  Clears the following fields:


Appropriation Adjustment


Encumbered Balance Forward


Expended A/P

Expended Paid

d.  Clears Oldest Monthly Master, rolls Prior to Oldest, Current to Prior, and clears Current.

3.  Expense Distribution File

This clear routine initializes the Expense Distribution file.


4.  Revenue Master and Monthly Files

     This clear routine does two things.  It clears all figures on the Revenue Masters, and clears Oldest Monthly Master, rolls Prior to Oldest, Current to Prior, and clears Current.


5.  Revenue Distribution File

This clear routine initializes the Revenue Distribution file.


6.  Mark Open POs as Prior POs

    This clear routine 'marks' all the open purchase orders in the current year as prior year purchase orders.  The purchase orders themselves are not changed and are to be processed as normal in the current year.  The invoices and payments against them will not affect current year figures.

Only run this routine if your system is set for Dual Fiscal Years.

1.  Vendor Master Fiscal Year End

2.  Appropriation Master and Monthly Files

3.  Expense Distribution File

4.  Revenue Master and Monthly Files

5.  Revenue Distribution File


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