Manipulating Windows

Like other Microsoft Windows-based software, Motor Vehicle Registration Workbench and WebHelp let you resize, open, and close multiple windows on your screen.  In the upper right corner of a window, the Title Bar contains a row of buttons for controlling the window.

Example:   or


Tip:  You may see several rows of buttons when you have windows layered together.


Manipulating Windows

To remove the window without closing it, click the Minimize button.  The window then appears as a button on the Taskbar.

Tip:  You can quickly expand the window again by clicking the appropriate button on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

To partially shrink a window so it does not fill the entire screen, click the Restore Down button.

To return the window to its full size, click the Maximize button.

To close the window, click the Close button.

WebHelp Tips:  Other methods:

Caution:  Do not confuse closing a window with exiting a module.  Motor Vehicle Registration provides a keyboard shortcut for Exit, [ALT] [f] [x], that closes the entire module, not just the active window.

Launch Windows Menu

Similarly to other Windows applications, Motor Vehicle Registration lets you open multiple occurrences of certain windows on your screen.  This is a convenient way to compare and contrast information.

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