Use iKnowSys™ an NDS reporting tool to quickly and efficiently generate queries or reports on your Invision Motor Vehicle Registration information. With iKnowSys you can run multiple queries at the same time and compare the results. In addition, you have the option of printing a hard-copy of your query or report results.
Tip: For more information, see iKnowSys Overview.
To see directions for...
Opening iKnowSys, click More.
Running an iKnowSys Query or Report, click More.
Printing an iKnowSys Query or Report, click More.
Creating a new iKnowSys Query or Report, click More.
Closing an iKnowSys Query or Report, click More.
Understanding the field values for the following areas, click the section name in the table below:
Field Details by Section |
Contains a row of menu names contains commands for the iKnowSys programs and functions. |
Contains a row of buttons depicting common iKnowSys functions. |
The left side of the window that lists the defined reports and queries for the module. |
The upper portion of the window that contains the active report name, report description and parameters, if applicable. |
The lower right-side of the iKnowSys window that contains the report/query output. Tip: You can print the output. |