Rapid Renewal Receipts Import
Use the Rapid Renewal Receipts Import routine to build the rapid renewal receipts work file with information that has been transmitted from the InforME Rapid Renewal system (often on your PC). If there is rapid renewal receipts information that is rejected during this routine, the rejected information will print on the exception report to alert you.
Before running this process, you must first transmit the data from InforME using procedures established for your municipality.
At the end of the process, you can print the Rapid Renewal Receipts Import exception report and review any errors or exceptions with the registration information. Reasons why the rapid renewal data from InforME is excluded from being imported and will print on the exception report:
The InforME VIN is blank.
The InforME record has no matching plate number, class code and vehicle year on file.
The vehicle record has no current history record.
It does not have a unique history record.
For more information on the timing and sequence of tasks, see Rapid Renewal Receipts Import Procedure.
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
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