New Registration Wizard - Select Transfer Choice

Use the Select Transfer Choice Step to specify whether or not a transfer is included in the new vehicle registration.  The table following the panel example describes the data entry for this step in the New Registration Wizard.


To display the Enter Transfer Choice Step in the Data Entry Panel, simply open the New Registration Wizard.


Data Entry Panel - Select Transfer Choice Step Example:


Data Entry Panel - Select Transfer Choice Step Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field name.

Please indicate if this registration involves a transfer

To indicate that the new registration includes a transfer of registration credits, click Yes.

To indicate that the new registration does not include a transfer of registration credits, click No.

Tip:  Back is not active for the first step.

To display the next step, click Next or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

To close the wizard without validating or saving the data, click Close.