Release Printer Lock
Use the Release Printer Lock routine to manually release a printer that is locked for printing a MVR registration form. If multiple clerks are printing to the same printer the Motor Vehicle Registration system will prevent clerks from printing registrations while another clerk has a print job in process. This allows the system to control the assignment of the registration form numbers. Generally, printing will resume for the other clerks once the first clerk closes their print status window. If however, your print job is not printing and you know that there are no other print jobs running you can use Release Printer Lock to release the printer, allowing another user to print to it.
Release Printer Lock should only be used if you are sure that no one is currently using the printer to be released.
If all print jobs appear to be completed and your job still is not printing, first, check to see if all clerks have closed their print status window. Then, run Release Printer Lock.
If you run Release Print Lock and the printer is actually printing a registration it may cause the printed registration form number to not match the pre-printed registration form control number. In addition, the "Check Digit" number will be off on the printed registration form as well.
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