Place of Service Maintenance

Use Place of Service Maintenance to maintain Place of Service IDs which are codes associated with Locations and Location Codes.  For each Place of Service ID you can assign individual Place of Service Print Codes to correspond to the different insurance Form Types you have set up.  Place of Service Print Codes print on the HCFA 1500 form (box 24B of the red form).  Each insurance carrier will provide you with an updated list of their Place of Service Codes.

Example:  Associating Place Of Service with Location Codes

This is a 2-step process.  First, in Place of Service Maintenance, create a Place of Service ID 03 (for example) for the BC/BS office location.  Next, use Location Maintenance to retrieve the location record for your office and enter the Place Of Service ID 03 in the Place of Treatment field.  The billing process uses the Place Of Service ID to retrieve the Place Of Service Form Type Print Code for the corresponding Form Type that is being billed.  The Place of Service Form Type Print Code then prints on the appropriate claim form.



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Other Standard Maintenance