Wizard - Control Menu

The Wizard Control Menu gives you the ability to open a Wizard for data entry.  Similarly to the Windows™ Explorer, you can collapse and expand a level within the menu using the plus (+) and minus (–) buttons.

Tip:  For general information about Wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.




  1. To expand a level, which reveals the options within that level, click the plus (+) button.
    :  To open the Create level, click plus (+) next to Create.

  2. To collapse a level, which hides the options within that level, click the minus (–) button.
    :  To close the Edit level, click minus () next to Edit.

  3. To select an option, which opens the associated Wizard, click the option within the appropriate level.
    :  To open the Wizard for editing a patient, click Patient.

Other Control Menu Other Wizard Topics