Do you currently have the need to bill for services or products outside the normal water or electric usage charges? Do you ever need to bill an insurance company for a damaged light pole, or a construction company for a police detail? Good news! NDS’ EDIFICE Utility Billing system offers an easy way to track and collect revenue from all your miscellaneous services.
The EDIFICE Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable (AR) function provides your utility with the tools necessary to bill non-metered type charges with ease and efficiency. This fully integrated and flexible module is designed to bill service related charges (parts, labor, and equipment) for a particular location, as well as prepare a bill for a non-utility customer for all types of ancillary services including snow removal, mowing services or police details.
With its virtually unlimited charge code and charge description options, Miscellaneous AR can be configured to generate bills for any occasion, situation, or departmental need. In addition, it is fully integrated with EDIFICE Service Management, Inventory and General Ledger, which makes it easy to capture cost and financial information without redundant entries.
Detailed bills (inventory, labor, equipment, etc.) can be generated directly from work order related functions. Preset inventory and labor “packages” can be defined by work order type so that line items automatically populate the invoicing system during billing. This saves valuable data entry time and reduces mistakes or errors that can happen from repetitive keyboarding. The system also allows for additional line items to be added to the invoice or line items to be edited. The bills flow through to a separate service on the customer so that usage charges and service related charges stay segregated, but you will now have a single billing center for all your activities.
Customer transaction history, work order history and inventory transaction history are all updated for historical analysis and recall. This makes drilling down to the actual charges very easy with EDIFICE. Open the Invoices view for the location or customer to see the details as shown here.

Miscellaneous AR balances are tracked as a separate service within a single billing center as seen in EDIFICE’s Account Balances view: