WebHelp - Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are specially activated pictures or text that you can click to instantly display the information you need.  There are different types of hyperlinks that behave in different manners.

Also called:  jump, link, hypertext, hot spot, hot link, or shortcut


Types of Hyperlinks

Topic Hyperlink

Links to another page in WebHelp.  The link action is the same as moving among Internet web pages.

Tip:  To return to this topic after testing the link in the following example, click the Back button in the Internet Explorer™ toolbar.

Example:  Click here to see a topic about WebHelp Navigation.

Bookmark Hyperlink

Links to a specific location in another topic or within the same topic.

Tip:  To return to this topic after testing the link in the following example, click the Back button in the Internet Explorer™ toolbar.

Example:  Click here to see the glossary entry for hyperlink.

Pop-up Hyperlink

Displays information in a smaller window on top of the current WebHelp window.


  • To close a pop-up, click once anywhere on the screen (except on a hyperlink).

  • Hyperlinks within a pop-up move you to the new location.

Example:  Click here to see a pop-up window.

Extended Text Hyperlink

Displays additional information within the same paragraph as the hyperlink.

Tip:  To hide the extended text, click the hyperlink again.

Example:  Click the word extend to see more information.

Drop-Down Text Hyperlink

Displays additional information below the paragraph containing the hyperlink.


  • To hide the information in the drop-down area, click the hyperlink again.

  • You can recognize a drop-down hyperlink by the word More.

  • To print one or more drop-down areas with the rest of the topic, expose the areas by clicking the hyperlink and then follow the instructions for printing WebHelp topics.

Example:  To see information in a drop-down text area, click More.

WebHelp Navigation