Daily Work End of Day

The Daily Work End of Day contains an overview of the steps you should take to complete your work at the end of each day. This checklist is a guide that can help you run your daily work programs in the correct sequence.  Follow these steps when you have completed entering charges and payments for the day.  Simply print and maintain this checklist as a guideline of things to do.

Daily Work End of Day Items



Print, verify, and maintain a final copy of the Daily Charge Journal if you entered charges.



Print, verify and maintain a final copy of the Daily Payment Journal if you entered payments and payment type transactions.



Print, verify and maintain a final copy of the Daily Charge/Payment Combo Journal if you prefer to print one combination journal for both entered charges and payments.



When you are satisfied that the entered patient charge and payment transactions are correct, perform the Charge/Payment Post Initialize to update INSight's summary files and clear the daily transaction files for the next day's entries.



After the Charge/Payment Post Initialize is complete, run the Daily A/R Check to make sure all files are in balance.

Note:  If you see the phrase Check this Total next to any of the summary totals, contact NDS Technical Support.

Other Daily Work