Report Writer - Edit a Sort Option

The table below describes the prompts for the Edit Sort Option button, which you can use to change Sort Options for a specific field.

Edit A Sort Option Example:

Sort Options - Edit Prompts

Tip:  To see information about other Sort Options buttons, refer to Report Writer - Sort Options.


To select the sort field to be edited, click a choice in the drop-down list.


Sub Totals

Specify if you want subtotals to print for each group of records sharing the same value for the field.

  • To print subtotals, select the box.

  • To omit subtotals, de-select the box.

Page Break

Specify if you want to start a new page with new headings for each group of records sharing the same value for the field.

  • To page break, select the box.

  • To omit the page break, de-select the box.



Specify the sort sequence.

  • To specify ascending order, select the button.

  • To specify descending order, select the button.

Note:  Descending order is allowed only for numeric fields.

To activate the new setting click OK, or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + o]

To escape without making the change click Cancel.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

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