Report Writer - Remove a Sort Option

The table below describes the prompts for the Remove Sort Option button, which you can use to delete the Sort Options for a specific field.

Remove A Sort Option Example:

Sort Options - Remove Prompts

Tip:  To see information about other Sort Options buttons, refer to Report Writer - Sort Options.


To select the sort field to remove, click a choice in the drop-down list.


Sub Totals

Displays the specified subtotals option for each group of records sharing the same value for the field.

Page Break

Displays the specified Page Break option for each group of records sharing the same value for the field.

  • Page break:  The box is selected.

  • Omit the page break:  The box is de-selected.



Displays the specified sort sequence.

  • Ascending order:  The button is selected.

  • Descending order:  The button is selected.

Note:  Descending order is allowed only for numeric fields.

To remove the field click OK, or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + o]

To escape without removing the field click Cancel.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

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