Transaction Code Maintenance

Use Transaction Code Maintenance to maintain information about transaction codes.  Transaction codes determine how billing charges are generated, whether to update the customer's account, and how payment transactions will update the customer's account.  A transaction code is assigned to each individual billing or payment transaction.




To open:

1.  Click Daily Work from the menu.

2.  Click File Maintenance.

3.  Click Code Maintenance.

4.  Click Transaction Code Maintenance.

Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [m] [c] [t].


Transaction Code Maintenance Window Example:


Transaction Code Maintenance Prompts


Transaction Code ID

Enter a unique identifier for the transaction code and click Retrieve , or press [ENTER]. (up to 10 characters)

Or, to look for a transaction code, click Search .


Tip:  If you are building a new transaction code, New New Record displays near the transaction code ID.  Default entries display and the first field is highlighted to let you know you can begin entering information.

To update the new or changed information, click Save or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

Rate Code

Enter an abbreviated description of the Transaction Code to be used as the Rate Code. (1-4 characters)

Rate Table No.

Enter a valid Rate Table ID, if this is a billing transaction code requiring a rate table.  Otherwise, leave blank. (3.0 numeric)


  • For more information about usage calculations and Rate Tables, see Rate Table Maintenance.

  • To search for a Rate Table ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Rate Table ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Demand Table No.

Enter a valid Demand Table ID, if this is a demand usage billing Transaction Code where Special Handling is set to Demand.  Otherwise, leave blank. (1-5 characters)


Finance Table ID

Enter a valid Finance Table ID, if transactions are eligible to be assessed finance charges.  Otherwise, leave blank. (5.0 numeric)


  • To search for a Finance Table ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Finance Table ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Power Factor ID

Enter a valid Power Factor ID, if applicable. (5.0 numeric)


  • To search for a Power Factor ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a Power Factor ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].


Enter a description for the transaction code. (up to 10 characters)

Transaction Type

To set the transaction code for use during Bill Entry, click Billing Entry in the drop-down list.

To set the transaction code for use during Cash Receipt Entry, click Cash Entry in the drop-down list.

Note:  An individual transaction code can not be assigned to both Bill Entry and Cash Receipts Entry.


To determine whether the transaction code is a Debit or Credit, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Budget Type

To determine how the transaction code should update the budget balances, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry options:

Service Code

To assign a defined Service Code to the transaction code, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Special Handling

If the transaction code is used for unusual types of transactions, click a Special Handling choice in the drop-down list.

Note:  If Special Handling is not required, set to None.

Entry Options:

  • None - transactions do not require special handling

  • Deposit - transactions update the Customer Deposit fields

  • Lien - used to generate lien transactions

  • Non-AR - used to generate transactions which do not update the customer's balances

  • Use Prior Usage - used to enter multiple transactions

  • Demand -  used to generate billing transactions for customers having Demand Meters

  • Deposit Interest - used to generate monthly deposit interest transactions

  • Daily Interest - used to generate cash receipts transactions

  • Power Factor I - used to calculate charge amounts from entered KWH and KQH readings that are multiplied by a power factor multiplier.  This requires a power factor table and is often used for flat calculation types

  • Power Factor II - used to calculate charge amounts from entered KWH and KQH readings that are multiplied by another type of power factor multiplier.  This requires a power factor table and is often used for flat calculation types

  • Power Factor Usage I - used to calculate charge amounts from entered usage amounts that are multiplied by a power factor multiplier.  This requires a power factor table

  • Power Factor Usage II - used to calculate charge amounts from entered usage amounts that are multiplied by another type of power factor multiplier.  This requires a power factor table

  • Enter Usage - used to generate a charge by entering the usage

  • Wtr Usage Credit  - Used to generate a credit for seasonal usage for non-metered connections

  • Time of Day  - Used to generate transactions where rates change during the day and usage is recorded during peak, high-cost periods and during off peak low-cost periods

  • Skip Meter Update - Used to omit updating the Location Billing information

  • Power Factor III -Used for calculating a charge based on a power factor.  This is for and uses KVA reads.  Power factor is used as a multiplier times the KVA to get the charge amount.  If power factor is less than the basis %, the basis % is used for the calculation instead.  The reading date for regular meters is maintained so that the next bill transaction can use it as the previous read date.

  • Net Meter Usage - Used to generate meter credits.  Works similar to Use Prior Usage in that the usage is not counted towards the customer's total usage and consumption as the usage is for energy going back into the grid from the customer.  However the usage is still tracked for the connection just like a regular meter.

  • Zero Prior Read - Used to zero out incoming reads and generate the proper charges when used with manual Bill Entry.

Calculation Types

To indicate how billing transactions are calculated, click a choice in the drop-down list.  

Entry Options:

  • 1 – Table:  The billing transaction is calculated by using the usage entered and the transaction code's rate table specified in the Rate Table No. field.  It also uses the Minimum Charge and Minimum Usage fields.

  • 2 – Flat:  This is for pre-determined flat rate billing transactions.  The flat rate billing amount is maintained as the Transaction Code's Minimum Charge.

  • 3 – Enter Charge:  This is for manually entered billing transactions where the amount may differ with each bill.  You can enter the billing amount during Bill Entry.

  • 4 – Unit:  This is for unit multiplied billing transactions.  The billing transaction amount is calculated by multiplying the Customer Number of Units by the Transaction Code's Minimum Charge amount.

  • 5 – Usage Unit:  This is for the Usage Unit type billing transactions.  The billing transaction amount is figured by first calculating a unit by dividing the usage entered by the Transaction Code's Minimum Usage (if less than 1 but greater than 0, a value of 1 is assumed).  The resulting Unit amount is then multiplied by the Transaction Code's Minimum Charge to determine the billing transaction amount.

  • 6 – ERU:  This is for the Estimated Residential Unit type billing transactions.  The billing transaction amount is calculated by multiplying the customer's service ERU/EDU value by the Transaction Code's Minimum Charge.

  • 7 – Table II:  The billing transaction amount is calculated by using the usage entered and the rate tables in a different method than Calculation Type 1.  
    Rates are figured on the following basis:  if consumption is less than the Minimum Usage, then charge the Transaction Code's Minimum Charge.  If consumption is greater than the Minimum Usage, then charge the rate listed for the appropriate step for the consumption in the Rate Table.

  • 8 - Progressive Table:  The billing transaction amount is calculated by using an interactive progressive table and usage from another charge.

  • 9 - Usage Table:  The billing transaction amount is calculated using a value from a usage table.  Usage table calculation type is used to bill a service or connection as usage equally each billing period, when there is a component and not a meter.  This can be used for components like street lights, private lights or demand charges.

  • 10 - Flat Table:  The billing transaction amount is determined by using a flat table method, where there is no stepping.  The billing transaction amount is determined by finding the level in the table that matches the transaction usage and using the corresponding charge amount.

  • 11 - Compound Table:  The billing transaction amount is calculated for service connections that are set to compound, either add or subtract.

  • 12 - Usage Table Comparison :  The transaction code minimum charge amount is compared to a charge amount calculated using the transaction code rate table.  Which ever value is greater is selected as the charge amount.  This calculation type can create customer charges that are an accumulation of flat charges added to charges based on usage.  In this type the rate table can hold both the flat charge and the usage multiplier.

  • 13 - Table Unit Minimum:

  • 14 - Flat Unit Table:  The billing transaction amount is determined by finding the appropriate level in the Flat table that matches the customer's number of units and using the corresponding charge amount.

  • 15 - Demand Float Step:  The demand float step is similar to a table calculation but the rate table usage level 1 (only 1) is multiplied by the demand usage, creating a new table.  The new table is then used in a table type calculation using the meter usage.  This transaction would be found on the demand profile, since both the demand usage and meter usage must be a known factor in the calculation.

  • 16 - Item Unit:  The Item Unit Calculation Type will multiply the units entered against the Minimum Charge of the transaction.  Pro-Rate will be used against the Minimum Amount if a Pro Rate Date is entered.  Final/New calculations will be used against the Minimum Amount is necessary.  Note:  This type is used for miscellaneous receivables types of charges.

  • 17 - Demand Full Float  Demand Fill Float Step:  This is similar to the table calculation but the rate table usage levels are first multiplied by the demand usage, creating a new table, and then used in a table type calculation using the meter usage.
    This transaction would be found on the demand profile, since both the demand usage and meter usage must be a known factor in the calculation.

  • 18 - Table Unit Full

  • 19 - Table Usage Minimum

  • 20 - Table Seasonal:  This type is used for billing seasonal usage; where billing occurs in May for minimum set usage.  In October when the meter is actually read, if the reading is over the billed amount then bill for the extra usage.

  • 21 - Per Unit Table:  The Per Unit Table type calculates the transaction amount based on usage from a single connection that is used by several units as in the case of a condominium building with multiple units served by a single connection.

  • 22 - Critical Peak:  The Critical Peak type calculates the transaction amount based on time-of-use prices that are in effect except for certain peak periods, when prices may reflect the costs of generating and/or purchasing electricity at the wholesale level.

  • 23 - Free Type:  This calculation type is used to enter notes as detail lines for service billing miscellaneous receivables transactions.
    Note:  This type is used for miscellaneous receivables.

  • 24 - Wastewater Surcharge:  This calculation type is used for calculating a surcharge from excess BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), and TSS (Total Suspended Solids).  
    Each customer/location/service can have limits defined for these three values and then current values input for them, as well as a charge for each of the three.  A surcharge is then calculated based on the usage.  The usage is converted from cubic feet to gallons, which is then multiplied by the result of [((COD - CODLimit) * CODCharge) + ((BOD - BODLimit) * BODCharge) + ((TSS - TSSLimit) * TSSCharge)].  An additional charge multiplication can be done.

  • 25 - Polynomial Usage:  This calculation type first multiplies the usage by the transaction code calculation multiplier and then, uses the rate table to get the co-efficient using the following formula:  
    Min Charge + usage x rate1 + usage^2 x rate2 + usage^3 x rate3

  • 26 -  Location ERU Base:  This calculation type uses the Location ERU Base value on the location billing and multiplies it by the transaction code calculation multiplier (if it isn't zero) and then by the transaction code charge multiplier (again, if it isn't zero).  

  • 27 - Location ERU:  This calculation type uses the Location ERU value on the location billing and multiplies it by the transaction code calculation multiplier (if it isn't zero) and then by the transaction code charge multiplier (again, if it isn't zero).  

Tax Code

To determine whether or not taxes should be calculated when the Transaction Code is applied, click a choice in the drop-down list.

For more information on taxes, see Assessing Taxes for customers.

Entry Options:

  • No - Taxes are not calculated on the transaction amount

  • Yes - Taxes are calculated and added to the transaction amount

  • Tax Line - Taxes are calculated as a charge, print on the Billing Edit Journal as tax and update the general ledger as a charge

  • Tax Item - Taxes are calculated as a charge, but update the general ledger and history as a tax item

  • Tax Profile - Taxes are calculated using a Tax Profile that contains the various tax rates that should be assessed for the charges.  Set up is required for Tax Profiles.  See Understanding Tax Profiles Tax System.

Tax Profile

If Tax Profile was selected for the Tax Code setting, enter the Tax Profile ID for assessing taxes when the Transaction code is used.


Enter a Category ID to assign to the transaction code, if applicable. (up to 5 characters)


  • To search for a Category ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Category ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Billing Code

To assign a billing code to handle certain types of billing transactions, if applicable, click a choice in the drop-down list.


  • Billing code is only available, if the transaction code's transaction type is set to Billing Entry.

  • If the billing code is set to miscellaneous receivables, then the calculation type is limited to 16 - Item Unit or 23 - Free Type.


  • Not Active - Billing code is not active, as this is a Cash Receipt type Transaction Code.

  • Default - Normal billing transaction, no special or additional information required to post the billing transaction.

  • Adjustment - Assigned to the default transaction code for adjustments used during Adjustment Entry.  Descriptive transaction only.  Does not affect customer balances.

  • PASNY Adjustment - Special adjustment transaction code.  Descriptive transaction only.  Does not affect customer balances.

  • SOA Adjustment - Descriptive transaction only.  Does not affect customer balances.

  • Trade Discount - Discount applied at the time of billing.  
     A customer must be set up to receive this type of discount.  For more information, see Discounts for Customers.

  • Deposit Apply - Applies the customer deposit to their bill during the billing process.

  • Deposit Interest - Used to calculate deposit interest for the customer (multiple methods available).

  • Deposit Interest Accumulated - Used to apply any deposit interest the customer has accumulated to their billing charges.

  • Finance Charge - Used to assess finance charges to applicable customers during Finance Charge Entry.

  • Surcharge - Used to recalculate the billing transaction amount after it has been calculated.  Used during the Surcharge Recalculation.

  • Lien - Used to generate lien transactions, moving the customer's account receivable balances to lien, if applicable.

  • Lien Cost - Used to generate lien costs transactions for the cost of moving (cost of certified mailers and postage, for example) the customer's delinquent balances to lien.

  • Lien Interest - Used to generate lien interest transactions for delinquent balances.

  • Lien Write-off - Used to generate a lien write-off transaction.

  • Lien Interest Write-off - Used to generate a lien interest write-off transaction.

  • Unapplied Credit - Not active.  Reserved for future use.

  • Minimum Bill Charge - Used to generate a minimum charge with the following calculation:  Minimum Charge = Trans Code min charge - (Customer YTD Charges & LST YR Charges)

  • Roll - Used to generate roll transactions, moving the customer's account receivable balances to roll, if applicable.

  • Roll Cost - Used to generate roll costs transactions for the cost of moving (cost of certified mailers and postage, for example) the customer's delinquent balances to roll.

  • Roll Interest - Used to generate roll interest transactions for delinquent balances.

  • Miscellaneous Receivables - Used to generate transactions for miscellaneous receivables

  • Percentage Calculation - Used to generate a percentage of accumulated charge, using a calculated multiplier X accumulated charge amount.

  • Loan - Help not available

  • Loan Principal - Help not available

  • Loan Interest - Help not available

  • Fixed Flat Customer Charge - Generates billing transaction using the fixed flat amount maintained on a Customer User-definable field
     This requires the Calculation Type set to Flat and a Customer User-definable field with value to be used as fixed flat amount.

  • Fixed Usage - Help not available

Cash Code

To assign a Cash Code to handle special types of cash receipt transactions, if applicable, click a choice in the drop-down  list.

Note:  Cash Code is only active, if the Transaction Code's Transaction Type is set to Cash Entry.


  • Not Active - Transaction Code Cash Code is not active, as the Transaction Code Transaction Type set to Billing Entry.

  • Default - Normal cash receipt transaction, no special or additional information required to post the cash receipt transaction.

  • Finance Charge - Used to generate FC payment transactions and to apply the FC payment to the customer FC balance.

  • Adjustment - Assigned to the default adjustment transaction code used during Cash Receipts.  Descriptive transaction only.  Does not affect customer balances.

  • Term Discount - Used to generate a term discount transaction (a discount given at the time of payment).  Note:  For more information, see Discounts for Customers.

  • Abatement - Used to generate an abatement transaction that abates the customers account, as in the case of town property.

  • Deposit - Used to generate Non-AR type deposit transactions and to apply the deposit to the customer's deposit balance.

  • Un-applied Credit - Specifies where any over payment is applied during imports or auto distributions.

  • Lien - Used to generate a lien payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Lien Cost - Used to generate a lien cost payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Lien Interest - Used to generate a lien interest payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Lien Abatement - Used to generate a lien abatement transaction to remove the lien from the customer and set their balance to zero, as in the case of town property.

  • Lien Discount - Used to generate a lien discount that is applied as a lien payment to the customer's account.

  • Lien Refund - Used to generate a lien refund transaction that is applied as a lien payment to the customer's account.

  • Lien Adjustment - Used to generate a lien adjustment transaction that is applied as a lien payment to the customer's account.

  • Roll - Used to generate a roll payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Roll Cost - Used to generate a roll cost payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Roll Interest - Used to generate a roll interest payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Loan Principal - Used to generate a loan payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Loan Interest - Used to generate a loan interest payment transaction and post to the customer account.

  • Loan Principal Credit - Help not available

  • Loan Interest Credit - Help not available

  • Open Item Interest Payment - Used to generate an interest payment transaction that is applied to an open item customer.

  • Open Item Interest Write-off - Used to generate an interest write-off transaction that is applied to an open item customer.

Age Category

To specify the cash application for the Transaction Code, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Note:  Generally, when you specify the Age Category, the Age and Reversal Age fields are also set automatically.


To determine the default customer Age balance that the transaction amount will update during the Cash Receipts Post, click a choice in the drop-down list.


  • NDS recommends that you accept the default setting that is determined by the Age Category you selected.

  • The Transaction Code Age can be edited during Cash Receipt Entry.

Reversal Age

To determine the default Reversal Age balance that the transaction amount will update during the Cash Receipts Post, click a choice in the drop-down list.


  • NDS recommends that you accept the default setting that is determined by the Age Category you selected.

  • The Transaction Code Reversal Age can be edited during Cash Receipt Entry.

G/L Debit Account

Enter the primary general ledger debit account to be used when posting entries for this Transaction Code to the general ledger journal file, if applicable. (up to 20 characters)

G/L Credit Account

Enter the primary general ledger credit account to be used when posting entries for this Transaction Code to the general ledger journal file, if applicable. (up to 20 characters)

After Hour Charge

Enter the After Hour Charge, if applicable. (7.2 numeric)

Note:  Generally, leave blank.

Model Minimum Charge

If you are preparing for a rate change, enter the new Model Minimum Charge, if applicable. (6.2 numeric)

Otherwise, leave blank.

Tip:  For more information, see Rate Modeling.

Model Minimum Usage

If you are preparing for a rate change, enter the new Model Minimum Usage, if applicable. (10.0 numeric)

Otherwise, leave blank.

Tip:  For more information, see Rate Modeling.

Minimum Charge

Enter the Minimum Charge for the Transaction Code, if applicable.  (6.2 numeric)

Note:  The Minimum Charge field performs different functions depending on how the Transaction Code's Calculation Type is set.

  • If the Calculation Type is set to 2 for Flat Rate, enter the flat rate amount as the Minimum Charge.  

  • If the Calculation Type is set to 1, 6 or 7, enter the Minimum Charge.  

  • If the Calculation Type is set to 4, enter the Minimum Charge, which will be multiplied by the Customer Number of Units to determine the billing transaction amount.

  • If the Calculation Type is set to 5, enter the Minimum Charge which is multiplied by the Calculated Unit to determine the billing transaction amount.

Minimum Usage

Enter the Minimum Usage for the minimum charge. (10.0 numeric)


  • Generally, any usage over the Minimum Usage will be applied to the Rate Table specified in the Rate Table No. field.

  • If the Transaction Code's Calculation Type is set to Usage Unit, the Minimum Usage becomes the divider in the unit calculation.  For more information, see Calculation Type.

Old Minimum Charge

Displays the Minimum Charge prior to the current Minimum Charge, if applicable. (6.2 numeric)

Note:  The Old Minimum Charge field is updated by the Pro-Ration Utility and is used to calculate pro-rate bills, if applicable.

Old Minimum Usage

Displays the Minimum Usage prior to the current Minimum Usage, if applicable. (10.0 numeric)

Note:  The Old Minimum Usage is updated by the Pro-Ration Utility and is used to calculate pro-rate bills, if applicable.

Note:  The following four fields are generally for viewing only.  They are maintained by Edifice and under normal situations you do not need to edit them.

This Year Usage

Displays the accumulated usage for the transaction code so far this year. (10.0 numeric)

Note:  This field is updated by Billing Post.

This Year Amount

Displays the accumulated dollar amount for services for the transaction code so far this year. (8.2 numeric).

Note:  This field is updated by Billing Post.

Last Year Usage

Displays the accumulated usage for the services for the transaction code from the previous year. (10.0 numeric)  

Note:  The transaction code's This Year Usage value is transferred to this field during the Period End Clear for Year End.

Last Year Amount

Displays the accumulated dollar amount for services for the transaction code from the previous year (8.2 numeric).  

Note:  The transaction code's This Year Amount value is transferred to this field during the Period End Clear for Year End.

Analysis Flag

Leave blank.  This field is reserved for future use.

Charge Multiplier

Enter the Charge Multiplier, if applicable. (7.7 numeric)

Calculation Multiplier

Enter the Calculation Multiplier, if applicable. (7.7 numeric)

# Decimal Places

Note:  Leave blank.  This field is reserved for future use.

Effective Date

Enter the Effective Date, if applicable.

Note:  The Effective Date is sometimes used during Pro-rating.  For more information, contact NDS Support.

Termination Date

Enter the Termination Date, if applicable.

Note:  The Termination Date is sometimes used during Pro-rating.  For more information, contact NDS Support.

Discount Multiplier

Enter the Discount Multiplier or discount percent, if transactions are eligible for a discount. (2.2 numeric)

Note:  For more information, see Discounts for Customers.

Discount Type

To specify the type of discount calculation to use, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Discount Step 1 Cap

To specify a discount cap where the total charges or total usage minus the discount amount should not be less than the minimum charge or minimum usage, click Yes in the drop-down list.

To specify that there is no cap for a customer discount, click No in the drop-down list.

Prorate Calculations

To specify the type of prorate calculation for the Transaction Code, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default - Use the Final Calculations setting on the Application Options record

  • None - Prorating is not allowed for the Transaction Code

  • Quarterly - Prorating is calculated on a quarterly basis

  • Daily - Prorating is calculated on a daily basis

Prorate Over Min

To specify if prorating over the minimum usage or charge is allowed when calculating new or final billing amounts, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default - Billing amounts are prorated by using the Prorate Over Min setting maintained on the Application Options record

  • Yes - Billing amounts are prorated over the minimum

  • No - Billing amounts are not prorated over the minimum

Reason Type

To specify the Reason Type, which determines if a Reason Code must be given when the Transaction Code is used, click a choice in the drop-down menu.

Entry Options:

  • Default - Does not prompt for a reason

  • Requested - Prompts for a reason, but you are not required to enter one

  • Required - Prompts for a reason.  The operator must enter one to complete the transaction

  • On Force - Prompts for a reason only if you are entering a forced transaction

Message Type

To specify the Message Type, which determines if a Message Code must be given when the Transaction Code is used, click a choice in the drop-down menu.

Entry Options:

  • Default - Does not prompt for a message code

  • Requested - Prompts for a message code, but you are not required to enter one

  • Required - Prompts for a message code that you must enter to complete the transaction

  • On Force - Prompts for a message code only if you are entering a forced transaction

Customer Status

To specify how the Transaction Code will update the customer's Status setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Tip:  If you do not want to update the customer's Status, set the Transaction Code Customer Status to Default.

Credit Message Type

To specify the routine that will assign a message to the customer account when a transaction with the transaction code is generated, click the routine from the drop-down list.

Tip:  Credit Messages allow you to track and easily view the types of activity the customer account has had.


To allow billing transactions to be entered for the Transaction Code, click No in the drop-down list.

To prevent billing transactions for this Transaction Code from being entered because the Transaction Code is discontinued, click Yes in the drop-down list.

Prevent Zero $ Import

If you want to import customer transactions with a zero dollar amount, set this field to No.

If you do not want to import customer transactions with a zero dollar amount, set this field to Yes.  

Note:  The following options can change customer settings that control certain processes.

Lien Allow

To specify how the Transaction Code updates the customer Lienable setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default- Does not update the customer Lienable setting

  • Yes - Enables lien processing for the customer

  • No - Disables lien processing for the customer

Roll Allow

To specify how the Transaction Code updates the customer Allow Roll setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default- Does not update the customer Allow Roll setting

  • Yes - Enables Roll processing for the customer

  • No - Disables Roll processing for the customer

Finance Allow

To specify how the Transaction Code updates the customer Allow Finance Charges setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default- Does not update the customer Allow Finance Charges setting

  • Yes - Enables finance charge processing for a customer

  • No - Disables finance charge processing for a customer

Shut Off Allow

To specify how the Transaction Code updates the customer Allow Shut Off setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default- Does not update the customer Allow Shut Off setting

  • Yes - Enables Shut Off processing for a customer

  • No - Disables Shut Off processing for a customer

Past Due Allow

To specify how the Transaction Code updates the customer Allow Past Due Delinquency setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default- Does not update the customer Allow Past Due Delinquency setting

  • Yes - Enables Past Due processing for a customer

  • No - Disables Past Due processing for a customer

Collection Allow

To specify how the Transaction Code updates the customer Allow Collection setting, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Default- Does not update the customer Allow Collection setting

  • Yes - Enables Collection processing for a customer

  • No - Disables Collection processing for a customer

Editing a Transaction Code

CAUTION:  To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

1.  Enter the Transaction Code ID to change and click Retrieve , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT + t]

:  If you do not know the Transaction Code ID, you can click Search  to see a list of Transaction Codes.

2.  Position the pointer to the information that you want to change

3..  Enter the data changes.

4.  To complete the edit process, click Save , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Deleting a Transaction Code

1.  Enter the Transaction Code ID and click Retrieve , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT + t]
:  If you do not know the Transaction Code ID, you can click Search  to see a list of Transaction Codes.

2.  Click File from the menu, and next click Delete.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [f] [d]

3.  At the Delete prompt, click Proceed to delete, or click Cancel to cancel the delete.


 After you click Proceed, you will see the following message on the Status Bar.


Other Codes