Report Writer - Overview

The report writer is a powerful tool that lets you tailor a report by limiting the range of records included and specifying the sort options.  After defining the options, you can save the set of options with a specific name for each set that you design, and then later load the options that you have already defined.

Note:  The Report Writer is only active for reports that are specifically designed to use the Report Writer features.


  1. Follow the specific Web Help directions to open the report from the menu.
    :  When you open the report, the DEFAULT set of options displays.

  2. If you want to use an existing set of options, click Open a Saved Report in the Button Bar Area.

  3. If desired, make changes to the Range Options.

  4. If desired, make changes to the Sort Options.

  5. If you want to save the set of options, click Save A Specified Report in the Button Bar Area.

  6. To print the report, click Print A Report in the Button Bar area.

  7. To see an example of the Report Writer Window, click More.

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