Wizard - Navigation

Author Reminders:

A Wizard guides you through the data entry tasks in an organized manner, while giving you the flexibility to skip around as desired.  See the example below to learn how to navigate within the window and how to close the wizard.

Tip:  For general information about Wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.



Tip:  To see a detailed description of each area in a Wizard window, position the cursor over a section until the cursor becomes a hand .  Click once to display the associated topic.



Wizard Navigation Directions



Skip to a different Data Entry Panel

Click one of the step names in the Steps Panel.

Move to a previous step

Click Back .

Tip:  The Back button is not available in the first step.

Move to the following step

Click Next .

Tip:  The Next button is not available in the last step.

Close the Wizard - save the data

Click Finish .  The data for every step is validated and saved, then the Wizard window closes.

Close the Wizard - no updates

Click Close .  The following warning displays:

At the prompt...

  • To close the Wizard without saving changes, click OK or press [ENTER].
    Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + o]

  • Or, to resume data entry in the Wizard, click Cancel.
    Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

Other Wizard Topics