Transaction Entry - Transaction Header
Use the Transaction Header Area to enter summary information for the transaction. The table below describes the Transaction Header Area for Transaction Entry.
The Transaction Header information can be stored and reused for multiple transactions within a session, if desired.
For more information about working with data in fields, see the Data Entry Guidelines.
To display the Transaction Header Area, open Transaction Entry.
Transaction Header area of Transaction Entry Window Example:
Transaction Header Area of Transaction Entry Prompts
To accept the system date as the Transaction Date, press [Tab]. Or, to enter another date press [Delete] and enter the desired date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional) |
Enter the Batch Number for this transaction, if applicable. A Batch Number is a unique identification used to track groups of transactions. Tip: Batch Number defaults to zero. |
Enter text that more fully describes the transaction. |
Enter a reference number that describes the whole transaction. You might enter a receiving ticket number or a packing slip number that provides an audit trail. |
To specify the type of transaction, click to select a type in the drop-down list. The Transaction Type specifies the type of transaction being entered and determines the fields and types of information to be entered. The Type also determines how the quantity will update the item counts. Valid Transaction Types are:
Notes: For transactions with serialized items:
Enter the Vendor ID associated with the item. Tip: To search for the vendor, click Search |
Enter the job number associated with the item, if applicable. |
Enter the work order number if there is a work order associated with the inventory item. |
Transaction #: |
Displays New Transaction for your reference when entering a new transaction. When the transaction is completed, a system generated Transaction Number is assigned to the transaction line. |
To allow the current transaction header information to be reused for new transaction records during this session, click Use Current Header for New Transactions. This will store the current header information in memory. When a new transaction is created, the header will be automatically populated with the stored information. If information has been stored the following message displays above the header: Note: The header information is only used as long as the Transaction Entry screen is open. |