Bill Entry - Entering Special Bills - Demand Meter Bill

Demand meters are used to record the highest amount of energy used during a given time period.  The energy provider must have this amount of energy available whether the customer uses it or not.

Demand charges are calculated by looking at a specified demand usage period, which is determined by the transaction code's demand table ID.  The usage period is the number of months to look back in the customer's history to find the highest demand or usage.  The highest historical usage reading is multiplied it by the demand table's demand usage percent.  The calculated amount is compared to the customer's current demand usage.  Whichever usage figure is highest is used to calculate the customer's billing transaction.

To create billing transactions for a customer having a demand type meter, use a transaction code having a demand table ID and special handling set to Demand.

Note:  For more information, see Demand Table Maintenance.


Demand Meter Billing Setup

1.  Create a demand meter

Add a trailer attached to the meter

Add a Billing type set up for demand and with the appropriate decimals setting as EDIFICE tracks HWH vs KW

2.  Add to the connection a usage multiplier and a read multiplier if needed

3.  Set up a Billing Profile, which usually has 1 rate.  You can add a minimum charge.  And add a demand table that determines if there is ratchet.  Ratchet is a minimum billing demands based historical peak demands.  It is found by looking back at past 12 months to find the highest usage and then calculates a percentage of the highest usage.


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