Open Item Inquiry
The Open Item Inquiry displays the detail transaction amounts and balances for Tax Billing Tax Accounts identified by the specified Property ID. The inquiry only displays Tax Accounts with a Real Estate Account Type.
To see directions for opening the Open Item Inquiry, click More.
To see directions for displaying a specific property, click More.
Enter a valid Property ID (Map/Lot/Sub/Type) or enter a valid Tax Account Number.
Inquiry, or press
[ENTER] if the button is in focus.
Keyboard shortcut: [ALT
+ y]
Tip: If
you do not know the Property ID or Tax Account Number, click Search.
To see descriptions of the inquiry fields, click More.
Open Item Inquiry Fields Tip: to see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name. | |
To display the open item information for a Tax Account, enter a valid Property ID (Map/Lot/Sub/Type), and next click Inquiry. Note: You can enter either the Property ID or the Tax Account Number. | |
To display the open item information for a Tax Account, enter a valid Tax Account Number, and next click Inquiry. Note: You can enter either the Property ID or the Tax Account Number. | |
To retrieve the open item information for the specified property, click Inquiry or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + y] |
You can use Search to view all of the existing real estate properties in Tax Billing. From the Search list you can select the property to display. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + r] |
To clear the window for the next inquiry, click Next or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Keyboard shortcuts: [ALT + x] or [CTRL + x] |
Displays the Tax Account Number. | |
Displays the Owner Name 1. | |
Displays the Owner Name 2. | |
Displays the Due Date for each tax detail transaction. | |
Displays the Tax Type Code and the associated description for each tax detail transaction. | |
Displays the detail transaction amount. | |
Subtotal |
Displays the subtotal for each Tax Type Code. |
Displays the Balance Total for the property. |