Standard Invoice Journal Sample

The Standard Invoice Journal lists the invoice transactions that have been entered.


Standard Invoice Detail Journal Sample

Tip:  To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.


Standard Invoice Detail Journal Fields

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Ord Entry #

Order Entry number

Invoice #

Invoice number

Vend #

Vendor number

Vendor Name

Vendor name

Inv Date

Invoice date

Check #

Check number, if invoice is prepaid

Invoice Amt

Invoice amount


Invoice description


Batch code for invoice, if applicable

Account #

Account number invoice is paid from

Account Description

Account description

Orig Ln Amt

Original invoice detail line dollar amount

Opn Ln Amt

Open unpaid invoice detail line dollar amount

Dist Amt

Invoice distribution amount


Invoice proof amount

Due Date

Invoice due date


Vendor 1099 code


Invoice reference


Invoice status


Invoice complete or partial code



Selection Parameters for this Report Sample:

Report Type = Detail Report

Batch = All

Print Liquidated PO Totals? = No




Standard Invoice Summary Journal Sample

Tip:  To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.


Standard Invoice Summary Journal Fields

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Account #

Account number invoice is paid from

Account Name

Account description


Invoice reference

P.O. Number

Purchase order number if the invoice is associated with a purchase order

Invoice #

Invoice number

P.O. Amount

Purchase order dollar amount associated with the invoice

Invoice Amount

Invoice dollar amount


Dollar amount difference from the purchase order amount and the invoice dollar amount

Pre-paid Check #

Check number, if invoice is prepaid


Invoice complete or partial code

Due Date

Invoice due date



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