Monthly Expenditure Report - Instructions

Use the Monthly Expenditure Report to view monthly expenditures for a specified general ledger period for a specified year.  You can run the report for this year, last year, or two years ago.  The report lists appropriation accounts and the budget amounts vs. actual paid amounts for the specified month as well as period-to-date amounts.  Both budget and paid amounts print from the Appropriation Monthly Master where paid amounts are updated, by general ledger period, during the A/P Payment Post.  Variance percentages are calculated by account.  All dollar figures are rounded up to the nearest dollar.  This report is similar to the Expenditure Comparison Report, which lists the same type of information, but in a slightly different format.  You see all three years at once for the specified general ledger period whereas this report lists information for a specified general ledger period for a specified year.



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