Launch Windows Menu

Similarly to other Microsoft Windows applications, you can open multiple occurrences of selected windows on your screen.  This is a convenient way to compare and contrast information.

Note:  You can only launch multiple windows for the functions listed on the Launch Windows sub-menu.  The available functions vary among modules.


Tip:  To change how the launched windows are arranged on the screen:

1.  Click Windows from the Menu Bar.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [w]

2.  Click one of the following display options:

Launch Windows Menu Items

Purchase Order Entry

Opens the Purchase Order Entry window.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [w] [l] [o]

Standard Invoice Entry

Opens the Standard Invoice Entry window.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [w] [l] [s]

Permanent Invoice Entry

Opens the Permanent Invoice Entry window.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [w] [l] [p]

Appropriation Master

Opens the Appropriations Master Maintenance window.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [w] [l] [a]

Revenue Master

Opens the Revenue Master Maintenance window.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [w] [l] [r]

Application Features