Remove Console Item Wizard - Choose Console Item Name Step

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Use the Choose Console Item Name Step to specify which console item you want to remove.  The table following the window panel example describes the data entry for this step in the Remove  Console Item Wizard.

For additional information, click More.




To display the Choose Console Item Name Step in the Data Entry Panel, simply open the Remove Console Item Wizard.


Data Entry Panel - Choose Console Item Step Example:


Data Entry Panel - Choose Console Item Step Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field name.

Console Item Name

Enter the Console Item Name that you want to remove.  (up to 32 characters)

Tip:  To find a Console Item Name, click Search .

Tip:  Back is not active for the first step.

Tip:  Next is not active for the last step.

To validate the data and remove the item, click Finish.  The wizard window closes when the save is complete.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

To close the wizard without validating the data or removing the item, click Close.

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