Reset 1099 Totals - Instructions

Use the Reset 1099 Totals routine to reset the Calendar YTD Paid Amount and/or the Vendor 1099 Totals amounts for all Vendor Masters by accumulating the totals from the Expense Distribution file.  You do need a printer number available because paid invoices in the Expense Distribution file with missing check numbers, missing check dates, or invalid vendors are skipped but will print on the exception report.  Vendor 1099 Totals are updated based on the Vendor 1099 code on the invoice in the Expense Distribution file, not from the Vendor Master.

When to run:

if Vendor Master figures are incorrect



Files Affected:

Vendor Master and/or Vendor 1099

Fields Affected:

Calendar Paid YTD and/or 1099 Totals


Utilities · Resets · Reset 1099 Totals


  • You must perform a system backup before proceeding.

  • You must run this routine in the Current Year Company.


There are four different outcomes possible for this routine due to the organization of your system and your fiscal year.

f you have a Prior Year Company set up AND:
In order to run this routine, the Fiscal Year End procedures must have been done at the end of your last fiscal year.  If those procedures were not performed, do not run this routine.  The Expense Distribution file must be purged at the end of the fiscal year for this routine to calculate totals properly.

1.  Your Fiscal Year IS January to December:

  • Totals are accumulated from the prior year and current year company's expense distribution file for the year entered.

  • If Fiscal Year End procedures were performed and 1099 forms were not printed, do the following:

  • Run this utility for the previous year in the current year company.

  • Print the 1099 forms.

  • Run this utility again for the current year in the current year company.

  • This utility can be run at anytime as long as the prior year company remains active.

2.  Your Fiscal year IS NOT January to December:

  • Totals are accumulated from the prior year and current year company's expense distribution file for the year entered.  

  • For example, if the fiscal year is July to June, half of the paid invoices are in the current year Expense Distribution file and half are in the prior year.  At calendar end 2001, this routine can be run for year 2001.  The program first accumulates all payments from the prior year with a check date of 2001, then accumulates all payments from the current year with a check date of 2001, and lastly resets the Calendar Paid YTD field on all Vendor Masters with the total figure.

  • This can be done for any year that is contained in the prior or current year companies.

If you do not have a Prior Year Company Set Up AND:
This utility cannot be run for the previous year if the Fiscal Year End procedures have been run.  The only year this routine can be run for is the current year prior to clearing the Expense Distribution file.

Your Fiscal year IS January to December:

  • Be sure to run this routine prior to clearing the Expense Distribution file during the Fiscal Year End procedures.

  • If the Fiscal Year End procedures has already been run, *** this utility will not work *** because there would be no paid invoices in the Expense Distribution file.

  • If those procedures were done in error and 1099 forms need to be run, call Technical Support.  Your system will need to be restored from the most recent backup tape.

4.  Your Fiscal year IS NOT January to December:

  • *** This utility does not work with no prior year company if fiscal year is not the calendar year ***

  • For more information, contact NDS Technical Support.

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