Reset Encumbrances - Instructions

Use the Reset Encumbrances routine to reset the Encumbered amount on all Appropriation Masters by accumulating open purchase order amounts by account number in the Open Purchase Order file.  For purchase order details, print an Open PO Report.  After updating the Encumbered amount, the Appropriation Unencumbered Balance recalculates as shown below.


When to run:



No PO posting, no Appropriation Master access

Files Affected:

Appropriation Master

Fields Affected:

Encumbered, Unencumbered Balance


Utilities · Resets · Reset Encumbrances


Unencumbered Balance = (Appropriation Amount + Appropriation Adjustment + Revenues + Encumbered Bal Fwd) - Encumbered - Expended A/P - Expended Paid


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