Reset Fiscal Expended Amounts - Instructions

Use the Reset Fiscal Expended Amounts routine to reset the Fiscal Expend YTD amounts and/or Fiscal Expend Last Year amounts for all Vendor Masters by accumulating payment amounts by vendor in the Expense Distribution file.

When to run:

ANYTIME, also after Fiscal Year is closed


No AP payment posting, no Vendor Master access

Files Affected:

Vendor Master

Fields Affected:

Fiscal Expend YTD and/or Fiscal Expend Last Year


Utilities · Resets · Reset Fiscal Expended Amounts


Your system must be set up for a PRIOR Year company in order to update the Fiscal Expend Last Year amount.  If you do not have a Prior Year set up, do not run this routine using Prior as an option.


You can choose to run this routine for the following options:

Other Processes