Export Direct Deposit File
Use Export Direct Deposit File during the Payroll Run to create the direct deposit export file, which is formatted for later transmission to the bank.
For timing guidelines, refer to the Payroll Runbook.
After the Payroll Run is complete, use the agreed-upon method for the actual transmission of the export file to the bank.
For more information about direct deposit, see Advanced Feature - Setting Up Direct Deposit.
For more information about working with data in fields, see Data Entry Guidelines.
To see directions for opening the Export Direct Deposit File process, click More.
Click Payroll from the Menu Bar, and next click Daily Work; then click Direct Deposit. Click Export Direct Deposit File.
click the Export Direct Deposit File
button from the Direct
Deposit Export Control Panel.
Or, use the keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [d] [d] [t].
At the prompt window, choose the selections. To see the process prompt options, click More.
Export Direct Deposit File Prompt Options | |
To load the correct export file name and path, enter the Destination ID that was defined during Direct Deposit Export Destination Maintenance. (up to 20 characters) Note: The Destination ID also defines the file type and the file definition (layout). | |
Destination File |
Leave the default value for the path and the export file name. (up to 80 characters) Example: c:\payrollexport\prdirdep.txt Notes:
To search for a different file name and path on your system, click Browse, or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + b] |
To build the export file, click Export, or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + e] |
When the build is complete, click Done to close the window, or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + d] Note: For a complete audit trail, click Print before clicking Done. |
To print a copy of the completion messages for a complete audit trail, click Print, or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + p] Note: The report prints on your default Windows™ printer. |
To see a sample of the Direct Deposit Export Status Box Listing, click More.
To see a sample of the export file contents, click More.