W-2 AccuWage Testing
The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a free software call AccuWage that tests the employee W-2 information for over 200 types of errors that may cause the W-2 Electronic file to be returned unprocessed. You can download the software, which is maintained on the SSA's website and install it on a PC. Once installed, you can run the program and it will read the W-2 Magnetic file and list any errors it is able to detect.
To test your W-2 Magnetic file, do:
1. Go to http://www.ssa.gov/employer/accuwage/index.html to download the AccuWage software.
2. Click Download AccuWage - 2008 Tax Year (do not select AccuW2C).
3. Once the program is installed on your PC, open AccuWage and click Start Testing.
4. At the Please Enter File Name to be tested prompt, browse for the folder and Definition File Name of your W-2 Magnetic file.
5. AccuWage checks the W-2 Magnetic file and lists any errors it is able to detect.
6. If AccuWage lists errors, make the necessary corrections during the W-2 Master File Maintenance, re-run the XML W-2 Magnetic filing routine and retest the file using AccuWage.
7. Repeat the step above until the AccuWage test runs without finding errors with the W-2 information. Then the W-2 Magnetic file is ready to be submitted electronically to the Social Security Administration!