Open Item Report Instructions
Use the Open Item Report to print the open tax detail transactions for the Tax Accounts or just print the totals for the tax years with balances. You can tailor the report by selecting the Account Type, the sort sequence, the range of Owner Names, the range of Tax Account Numbers, and the amount of detail included. You can also restart the report at a specific account or page number.
Note: This report is also known as the Open Item Tax Detail Report, the Open Item Tax Detail Summary or the Zero Balance Report.
To print an Open Item Report for specific Tax Accounts to send to a bank, see the Bank Report Instructions.
If a long report gets interrupted, perhaps because of a printer jam, you have the option to restart the report in the middle. This can save time, paper, and ink.
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
the Menu Bar,
and next click Open Item Report.
Keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [o]
At the prompt window, choose the selections. To see the report prompt options, click More.
Open Item Report Prompt Options | |
Type |
To limit the type of properties included in the report, click one of the following Account Types:
Sort |
To set the sort sequence, click one of the following options: |
Range: Due Date |
To limit the report to transactions within a specific range of Due Dates, enter the four digit code in the From and To fields. (4.0) Note: To include transactions for all Due Dates, leave the From and To fields blank. |
Range: Owner Name |
To limit the report to a specific range of Owner Names (Name 1), enter a full or partial name in the From and To fields. (1-6 characters) Tips:
Example: To print all owners beginning with the letter B, enter:
Range: Account Number |
To limit the report to a specific range of Tax Account Numbers, enter a full or partial account number in the From and To fields. (1-6 characters) Tips:
Example: To print all accounts with numbers beginning with the letter B, enter:
Detail: Summary Totals Only |
To limit the report detail to print only the tax year and the total amounts, click Summary Totals Only so that a check mark appears. To include the transaction details, clear the check box. |
Detail: Zero Balance Accounts |
To change the report detail to include Tax Accounts with zero balances (along with accounts that are not zero), click Zero Balance Accounts so that a check mark appears. To exclude accounts with zero balances, (print only accounts with a non-zero balance) clear the check box. |
Restart Values |
To restart a report that failed to finish printing, click Restart Values so the check mark appears. This is handy if you don't want to reprint a very long report from the beginning. Tips:
Last Account |
Enter the Tax Account Number that is at the top of the page for the restarting point for the report. (1-6 characters) Example: If the previous report jammed at the page with Tax Account Number A0065R at the top, then enter A0065R. Required if Restart Values is specified. Tips:
Last Page |
Use this field to correctly set the first page number in the restarted report. Enter the page number that coincides with the Tax Account Number that you entered in the Last Account field. (1-4 characters) Example: If the previous report jammed at page 63 (with Tax Account Number A0065R at the top of the page), then enter 63 in the Last Page field. Caution: If you leave page Last Page blank, the report will correctly restart at the Last Account that you specified, however it will start the page numbering at 1. |
Printer |
Displays the default printer number. For more information, see Printing Options. |
To generate the report, click Print. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + p] |
To escape from the print routine, click Cancel. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + c] |
To see the report sample, click More.
Selection Parameters for this Report Sample: | |
Type = Real Estate |
Sort = Account Number |
Due Date = 0103 to 0403 |
Account Number = I0140R to I0244R |
Summary Totals Only = cleared |
Zero Balance Accounts = cleared |
Selection Parameters for this Report Sample: | |
Type = Real Estate |
Sort = Account Number |
Due Date = 0103 to 0403 |
Account Number = I0140R to I0244R |
Summary Totals Only = selected |
Zero Balance Accounts = cleared |
To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.
Open Item Report Fields | |
Tax Account Number | |
Current owner's name (Name 1) | |
Current owner's name (Name 2) | |
Includes Map, Lot, Subdivision, and Type | |
Due Date Structure:
| |
Tax Type Code | |
Detail Transaction Amount | |
Trans Date |
For transactions with a payment Tax Type Code, prints the Receipt Date. For all other types of transactions, prints the Post Date. |
Subtotal |
Subtotal amount for each Due Date within a Tax Account Note: Tax Type Codes determine how (or if) the transaction amount affects the subtotal and the balance. |
Total Balance Due for Tax Account Note: Tax Type Codes determine how (or if) the transaction amount affects the subtotal and the balance. | |
Acct No |
Tax Account Number appears next to the balance for readability. |