Pay Code Conversion

Use Pay Code Conversion Maintenance to translate or map the pay types in the import hours file to the defined NDS pay types.  Multiple imported types can be translated to the same NDS pay type.  During the import, an error will be reported if any imported pay type is not mapped to a corresponding NDS pay type.  The error will need to be corrected before the import can finish.




To display the Pay Code Conversion Maintenance:

1.  Click Payroll from the Menu.

2.  Click Miscellaneous File Maintenance.

3.  Click Import Hours.

4.  Click Pay Code Conversion.


Pay Code Conversion Maintenance Window Example:


Pay Code Conversion Prompts


To display the Pay Type Conversions, click Retrieve, or press [ENTER].

To add a new import pay type code, click Add.

Imported Pay ID

Enter the pay type in the import file.


Select from the drop-down list the NDS Pay ID to which the Imported Pay ID will be mapped.

To update the new or changed information, click Save or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.