W-2 AccuWage Testing
The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a free software call AccuWage that you can use to test the employee W-2 information for errors that may cause the W-2 Electronic file to be returned unprocessed. You can download the software and then run the program. It will read the W-2 Magnetic file and list any errors that it detects.
To test your W-2 Magnetic file, do:
1. Go to https://www.ssa.gov/employer/.
2. Click Business Services Online.
3. Login with your user name and password.
4. Then, follow the AccuWage directions
found at this address:
5. AccuWage checks the W-2 Magnetic file and lists any errors it detects.
6. If AccuWage lists errors, make the necessary corrections using Edit Forms. Then, re-run the Magnetic filing routine and retest the file using AccuWage.
7. Repeat the step above until the AccuWage test runs without finding errors with the W-2 information. Then, the W-2 file is ready to be submitted electronically to the Social Security Administration!