W-2 Local Tax Codes Table Maintenance

Use W-2 Local Tax Codes Table Maintenance to maintain the deduction code for the type of local income tax and the locality name.  You can maintain a deduction code for each type of local tax that is applicable to your employees.



To open:

1.  Click Utilities from the menu.

2.  Click Misc Utilities.

3.  Click W-2 Utilities.

4.  Click Table Maintenance.

5.  Click W-2 Local Tax Codes Tables.

:  Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [t] [u] [w] [m] [l].


W-2 Local Tax Codes Table Maintenance Window Example:


W2 Local Tax Code Table Prompts


To display an existing W-2 Local Tax Code Deduction Table, click Retrieve, or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + t]

Local Income Tax Code

To specify the type of local income tax, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Tax Code Types:

  • C - City

  • D - County

  • E - School District

  • F - Other

Deduction #

Enter the deduction code associated with the local income tax. (3.0 numeric)


Enter the name of the locality for the local income tax. (up to 12 characters)

To update the new or changed information, click Save or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

Editing a Table

1.  Position the pointer to the information that you want to change.

2.  Enter the data changes.

3.  To complete the edit process, click Save , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


Deleting a Table

1.  To display the record to be deleted, click a choice in the Local Income Tax Code drop-down list.

2.  Click File from the menu, and next click Delete.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [f] [d]



Other File Maintenance