Payment Entry - Tasks

The Tasks listed in the following table guide you to information about performing specific functions in Payment Entry.

How To...

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Enter a payment for a specific ticket

Enter a payment for a family

Enter an adjustment

Enter an adjustment by percent (%)

Enter a payment that is automatically applied to the oldest tickets first

Enter a partial payment on account

Enter a transfer from one insurance to another

Enter an automatic transfer, which transfers the ticket balance from the primary insurance to the secondary insurance

Enter a transfer from insurance to patient

Enter a payment from Medicare or other contractual company

Enter a reversal to back out a transaction amount

Write-off an uncollectible charge

Enter a write-off for a patient balance not covered by insurance (courtesy adjustment)

Note:  Adjust down the balance using an A(djustment) Transaction Code.


Enter a payment when there is no ticket to apply the payment against

Enter an unapplied credit

Apply a previously entered unapplied credit

Enter a refund

Note:  Use a Transaction Code, usually RI, with the R(efund) Transaction Type.


Enter a rebill transaction


Other Payment Entry