Report Writer - Button Bar

This topic describes the functions available from the Report Writer Button Bar.

Tip:  For general information about using the Report Writer, see the Report Writer - Overview.


Report Writer Button Bar Example:

When you click one of the Report Options buttons described in the table below, you will see the appropriate entry window.

Report Writer Buttons

Note:  For information about other buttons, refer to the Report Options Area topic.

To open an existing set of options for the report, click Open A Saved Report.

Tip:  To see the Open A Saved Report prompt options, click Here.

To save the currently displayed set of options for the report, click Save A Specified Report.

Tip:  To see the Save A Specified Report prompt options, click Here.

To delete an existing set of options for the report, click Delete A Saved Report.

Tip:  To see the Delete A Saved Report prompt options, click Here.

To view the report, click Print View.

Tip:  To see Print View directions, click Here.

To print the report to your default printer, click Print.

Tip:  To see printing options, click Here.

To change the display font size, click A.


  • The Font Tool displays in the Report Options area.

  • To return to the original size, continue to click A.

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