Report Writer - Save A Report

The table below describes the prompts for the Report Writer Save a Report button, which you can use to save the currently displayed set of options for the report.

When you click , the following window displays:

Report Writer Save A Report Window Example:

Report Writer - Save A Report Prompts

Tip:  To see information about other Report Options buttons, refer to Report Writer - Report Options.

Report Name

Fill in the Report Name.  

  • To create a new set of options, enter a new Report Name.

  • Or, to replace the current set of options, leave the existing Report Name value.

CAUTION:  If you keep the currently displayed set of options for the DEFAULT Report Name, you will replace the default settings with your changes.

To save the set of report writer options click OK, or press [ENTER].

To escape without saving the set of report writer options click Cancel.

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