Create Service Connection Wizard

Use the Create Service Connection Wizard to add a service connection to the location.  A connection can be a meter, a trailer or a component, such as, a hydrant, street light or other non-metered billing element.  Connections are billed for the services provided to the location.  In general, connections are assigned their own Reference ID and are then attached to a location.


Tip:  For general information about using wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.


To open:


Service Connection Wizard Window Example:


Data Entry Panel - Create Customer Service Connection Step 2 Prompts


Summary of Steps

1.  Open the Create Service Connection Wizard.

2.  At the Choose Location ID Step, enter the Location ID or select the Location ID that is currently displayed in the drop-down list.
:  To Search for a Location, click Search .

3.  To advance to the next step, simply press [ENTER].
:  For more information about moving around within the Wizard, see the Wizard - Navigation topic.

4.  At the Service Connection Step 2 enter information including the Reference Type, Reference ID,Primary Service Code, Billing Type ID and Parent Connection ID if applicable.

5.  At the Service Connection Step 3 enter additional information about the service connection including special conditions about the connection and supplier information.

6.  At the Service Connection Step 4 enter a Transaction Profile ID for each of the services delivered by the service connection.

7.  To finish entry and save the changes, click Finish , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT + s]

Reference Type

To specify the type of connection, click an option in the drop-down list.

Entry Options:

  • Location - Billing is non-component based and does not require an Inventory item.  

  • Meter - Billing metered services.

  • Trailer - Billing metered services which have two or more dials requiring multiple readings.

  • Component - Billing elements other than usage meters, for example, lights or hydrants.

  • Backflow - Billing elements using another type of metered or non-metered inventory.

  • Inventory - Billing elements using another type of metered or non-metered inventory.

  • Inactive - Billing elements that are no longer active.

Reference ID

Enter the defined Meter ID, Trailer ID, or Component ID assigned to the service connection, if applicable. (up to 18 characters)


  • Leave blank for Location Reference Type.

  • To search for a Meter ID, Trailer ID or Component ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To edit the meter, trailer or component information, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

  • To create a new Meter ID, Trailer ID or Component ID, click Wizard or press [CTRL + w].

Reference Serial ID

Enter the Reference Serial ID, if you are maintaining serialized inventory. (up to 18 characters)

Note:  This field is only active if you select Inventory for the Reference Type.

Primary Service Code

The default  primary service for this connection, is highlighted in the drop-down list.  Press [TAB] to accept or click another choice in the drop-down list.

Tip: The Primary Service Code is used during the Meter Communications Export routines.

Billing Type ID

If the reading and usage from the connection should be used in conjunction with another connection's reading and usage, enter the defined Billing Type ID to specify the relationship between the two connections.  The Billing Type ID establishes the relationship between certain types of connections that require additional information, such as, compound or credit compound connections. (up to 10 characters)


  • To search for a Billing Type ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Billing Type ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Parent Connection ID

If you entered a Billing Type ID, enter the main connection's ID here.  For example, if the service connection is a Trailer Reference Type and you entered a Trailer ID as the Reference ID, click to select the default Meter ID displayed in the drop-down list as the parent connection.  Otherwise, leave blank. (up to 18 characters)

Note:  If this service connection's reading and usage should be used in conjunction with another connection's readings and usage, then the Parent Connection ID is needed.

To complete the entries and continue to next window, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]



Enter a brief user-defined note pertaining to or describing the physical location of the service connection, if desired. (up to 20 characters)

Usage Multiplier

Enter the usage multiplier for the service connection, if applicable. (8.0 numeric)

Reading Multiplier ID

If the service connection reading needs to be multiplied during the import, enter the Meter Import Reading Multiplier ID, if applicable. (up to 5 characters)


  • To search for a Reading Multiplier ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Reading Multiplier ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

  • The Reading Multiplier is used during the Meter Communications routines.  Please leave this field blank, if you do not use meter communications.

  • Do not confuse the Usage Multiplier with the Reading Multiplier.  While they are used in similar ways, they are separate fields and have separate functions.

Pressure Zone

Enter the user-defined Pressure Zone Code for the connection. (3.0 numeric)

Outside Identifier

Enter the connection's Outside Identifier, if applicable. (up to 10 characters)

Radio MIU Number

Enter the radio MIU Number, if applicable.  

Sequence Code

If there are multiple meters for this connection, enter the Sequence Code to specify the order in which the meters should be read. (up to 5 characters)

Supplier ID

Enter the identification assigned to the service supplier for the connection, if applicable. (up to 5 characters)


  • To search for a Supplier ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Supplier ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Line Item ID

If using Line Mapping, enter the Line Item ID to indicate where the meter is located in the line, grid, or circuit and to indicate the type of connection such as a main or junction. (up to 20 characters)


  • To search for a Line Item ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Line Item ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Special Condition ID

Enter a Special Condition ID to alert you of special conditions or concerns to be aware of for the connection, if applicable. (up to 20 characters)


  • To search for a Special Condition ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Special Condition ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Inspection Code

Note:  WebHelp for this field is not currently available.

Connection Size

Note:  WebHelp for this field is not currently available.

Read Book

Select a read book from the drop-down list.  Or, enter a new read book for this connection, by entering the number for the book.

Removed on / Installed On Date

Note:  WebHelp for this field is not currently available.

To complete the entries and continue to the next window, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

To return to the previous window, click Back.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + b]


The service currently being maintained is highlighted for your reference.  

Transaction Profile ID

Enter the Transaction Profile ID used to bill the transactions for the service delivered by the Service Connection. (up to 12 characters)


  • To search for a Billing Transaction Profile ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Billing Transaction Profile ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].


To accept the default value of 1, press [TAB].  Or, if there is more than 1 element at the location AND the elements are not

ERU Base

If this connection uses ERU base values to calculate billing amounts, enter the ERU base if applicable.  Otherwise, leave blank.  For more information see Transaction Code Calculation Types - Location ERU Base.


If this connection uses ERU values to calculate billing amounts, enter the ERU value if applicable.  Otherwise, leave blank.  For more information see Transaction Code Calculation Types - Location ERU.

To complete the entries for the service connection after you verify your entries in the Inquiry Panel, click Finish.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Or to return to the previous window, click Back .

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + b]

 Important:  After you click Finish, the wizard verifies and saves the entries and you will see the following message on the Status Bar:


Other Wizard Topics