Classic Patient Search

Use the Classic Patient Search to find a patient if you do not know their Patient Account Number.  You can search for a patient by their last name, their first name, their date of birth, their social security number or the insurance policy certificate number.  Patient Search searches the patient file and displays the patients matching your search criteria.  After the Search List generates, you can use the type-ahead feature in Patient Search to narrow your choices.

Note:  The Classic Patient Search is a separate routine from the basic INSight Classic Search and has different features.


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Classic Patient Search Prompts

Patient Search Status displays the status of the current patient Search.

Search Statuses:

  • Ready - Ready for patient search parameters to be entered.
     Status is green.

  • Searching - Searching the patient file for patients matching your search criteria.
     Status is red.

  • # of patients - When the search is complete, displays the total number of patients matching your search criteria.

Last Name/SSN/

To begin a patient search, enter the search variable or criteria.

Entry options:

  • Enter all or part of the patient's Last Name. (up to 18 characters)
    To search by patient name, you must enter at least the first three letters of the last name.

  • Enter the patient's Social Security Number. (xxxxxxxxx)

  • Enter the patient's Insurance Policy Certificate Number. (up to 18 characters)
     This is handy if you have an insurance reimbursement check only listing certificate numbers.  Search by the Certificate Number to find the patient's account number.

  • Enter the patient's Date of Birth. (mmddyyyy)


To narrow the patient name search, enter all or part of the patient's first name, if applicable. (up to 18 characters)

To build the search list, click Search or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus.

To cancel the current search and clear the current search options, click Reset.

Search List Window

The Search List Window displays the patients that meet the search criteria.

The fields listed below, display for each patient:

Search List Functions


  • To set focus on the Search List, press [TAB] from the Select field, or click in the Search List.

  • To highlight the desired patient within the Search List, press the Up or Down keys.

  • To select a highlighted patient, double-click.

  • To sort the Search List by a specific field, click the column header.  When you select a column, all data within is sorted alphabetically.

Type-Ahead Feature

Use the Type-Ahead feature to refine your search and quickly select the desired patient.  Enter the full or partial field value above a given column.  As you type a colored box highlights the patients meeting the Select criteria.

Tip:  Press the Left or Right arrow keys to move the Type-Ahead field to a different column.  This also sorts the column.

Selecting a patient

To select a patient from the Search List:

  1. To highlight the desired patient, click the appropriate patient.

  2. The patient address briefly displays below the patient name for your reference.

  3. To load the patient's information, double-click.

  4. After a patient is selected, the patient's global information displays in the left pane (name, phone number, address, etc) and the last patient window visited re-opens.  
     If no window was previously loaded, the Patient Entry - Demographics Window opens.

Other Patient Entry