NDS Inventory Application Features

The NDS Inventory™ provides many powerful operating features that help you simplify your tasks and quickly get the information you need.


Application Features

NDS Inventory Overview

Learn about NDS Inventory.

Data Entry Guidelines

Review the general data entry guidelines.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn about keyboard shortcuts, which are combinations of keys you can use to quickly choose menu options and to run certain operations in the application.


Search the records in the application database.


  • Click the Search  icon next to a data field.

  • Or, click the Search  button within a window.

Manipulating Windows

Learn how to minimize, maximize, and close the module window or windows within the module.

Printing Options

Learn about the different options for printing.

Print View

Learn about the Print View window that lets you preview and save reports.


Learn about global icons and buttons used in the applications to enable you to quickly and to easily perform functions or locate information.

Application Features