Rate Modeling Usage Analysis Report Instructions

Use the Rate Modeling Usage Analysis Report to analyze customer usage history and report the effects of proposed rate changes.  The Usage Analysis Report uses the entered Unit Step to break the customer bills into groups. This allows you to evaluate how rate changes would be best served.  For example, if 90% of your customer bills fall into the 100 unit sector (100 to 199) then rate increases at that level would have the most effect.  The report has various options for sub totaling.  In addition, you can specify to report specific services, companies, reason codes, rate classes, finance periods, transaction codes, a range of transaction reading dates and customers, if applicable.



To open:

1.  Click Analysis from the menu.

2.  Click Rate Modeling.

3.  Click Usage Analysis.

:  Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [s] [m] [a].


Rate Modeling Usage Analysis Report Window Example:


Rate Modeling Usage Analysis Report Prompts



To select the Services to print, click to check the appropriate Services listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Services listed, click Check All .


To select the Companies to print, click to check the appropriate Companies listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Companies listed, click Check All .

Reason Codes

To select the Reason Codes to print, click to check the appropriate Reason Codes listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Reason Codes listed, click Check All .

Rate Class

To select the Rate Classes to print, click to check the appropriate Rate Classes listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Rate Classes listed, click Check All .

Finance Periods

To select the Finance Periods to print, click to check the appropriate Finance Periods listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Finance Periods listed, click Check All .

Transaction Codes

To select the Transaction Codes to print, click to check the appropriate Transaction Codes listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Transaction Codes listed, click Check All .


Subtotal By Rate Class

To report subtotals by Rate Class, click to select the box.

To omit subtotals by Rate Class from the report, de-select the box.

Subtotal By Meter Size

To report subtotals by Meter Size, click to select the box.

To omit subtotals by Meter Size from the report, de-select the box.

Subtotal By Frequency

To report subtotals by Customer Billing Frequency, click to select the box.

To omit subtotals by Customer Billing Frequency from the report, de-select the box.

Unit Step

To group customers by Unit Step,enter the Unit Step value. (4.0 numeric)

Reading Date Range

To limit the report to a range of customer transaction Reading Dates, enter the appropriate beginning Reading Date in the range.

Note:  A Reading Date range is required for the report.


To limit the report to a range of customer transaction Reading Dates, enter the appropriate ending Reading Date in the range.

Note:  You must maintain a Reading Date range.

Customer ID(s)

Entry Options:

  • To print a selected account, enter the Customer ID. (up to 12 characters)

  • To build a list of customers:

  • Enter the Customer ID followed by a comma (,).

  • Continue to enter the desired customers.

  • To complete the customer list, press [TAB].

  • To search for the appropriate customer ID, click Search .

  • To build a range of customers, enter the beginning Customer ID, followed by a hyphen (-) and then the ending Customer ID.

  • To print all customers on the report, please leave blank.

To begin printing to the Windows® default printer, click Print, or press [ENTER].  Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + p]

Or, to print to the Print View window, click Print View .

Or, to escape from the print routine, click Cancel .

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]


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