Print View

Print View, also referred to as report view, is a flexible tool that lets you preview a report on the screen.  You have options to send the report to a printer, save the report or cancel it.


To open:

1.  Run a report.
:  For a list of specific report instructions see the Reports Overview.

2.  Click the Print View button as the printing option.


Print View Example:

Basic Print View Report Functions


Basic Print View Functions

Navigating within the Report

Change report display

There are several options for changing the size and shape of the report display:

  • Switch View - To switch between text and graphical views of the report, click Switch View.

  • Zoom - To increase or decrease the size of the information in the report, click Zoom.

  • Zoom In - To incrementally increase the size of the information in the report, click Zoom In.

  • Zoom Out - To incrementally decrease the size of the information in the report, click Zoom Out.

  • Fit Width - To display the report so that it displays the full width of the screen, click Fit Width.

  • Fit Height - To display the report so that it fills the height of the window, click Fit Height.

  • Layout - To display the report as 2 columns, click the appropriate choice under layout.


To move around within a report, you can use the Scroll bars.

Tip:  You can also move vertically by pressing [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN].

Printing the Report

Send a Report to a Printer

To send a displayed report to a printer, click the print button , if configured.

Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + p]

You will then see the Windows® Print dialog window for your default printer.


Tip:  To define the default Windows printer, see Printer Setup.

Saving the Report


You can freeze the data on a report by saving.  This is useful when archiving important data or when exporting the data to another program.


Click to select the type of file to save - text, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel and the following prompt displays to notify you:



1.  Navigate to the desired location.

2.  Enter the desired file name.

3.  Click Open.


To search the report for specific text or numbers, click Search.  The search window opens.

Enter the desired search term and then click Find All or Next.

To see a summary of lines where the search term is found, click Show Summary.


Close the Print View Window

To close the Print View window, click the window Close button .


Tip:  To cancel a report (without sending it to a printer), simply close the Print View window.


Application Features