EDIFICE Inquiry - Invoices View

The Invoices view allows you to view and manage both open and paid invoices for customers.  You can see and print interest calculations, you can transfer invoices to another account or location and you can print a list of the invoices.  You can also change the priority in which invoices are paid if needed.  

Note:  If your customers are balance forward type accounts, then the Invoices view is not applicable.



From the EDIFICE Inquiry, load an account.  Click View and then click Invoices.  

EDIFICE Inquiry - Invoices View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Invoices View


Organize Invoices

Invoices for the customer display in a list.  Columns of information can be added or removed using the grid setting options , which allows you to choose the columns to display.

To see invoice details, click on the row with the desired invoice.  Interest totals for the invoices displayed in the list and unpaid balances totals display at the bottom of the screen.

To see calculations on invoice interest, hover next to the interest amount for an invoice and then click the Information.

To specify the types of invoices to view, click a choice in the drop-down list.  Choices are:

Open Invoices Only, Paid Invoices only, Both Open and Paid Invoices

Sort Invoices

To sort the list, simply click any column heading.  To sort in reverse order, click the column heading a second time.  For example, you can sort the list by invoice number or due date.

Filter Invoices

To limit the invoices to those that meet certain criteria, click Filter next to the desired column heading.  The available filter choices display.  Here is an example of Billed date filters, which you can use to look for an invoice from a specific billing date.

To select the choices to use as criteria, click to check the desired box or boxes and then, click OK.

Note:  Advanced filtering options are available by clicking Text Filters.


To organize invoices by a specific column heading such as service, drag the column heading to the box above the grid.   To ungroup, drag the column heading from the grouping box to the grid.

Grouping Box:

Invoice Interest Calculations

To see details of how the interest is calculated, click Information in the Interest column beside the desired invoice.  The Interest Calculation screen displays.  

You can change the Interest Through date if needed.

To print the interest details including customer and location details, right-click within the Interest Calculation screen and click Print.  To see a sample interest calculation printout, click here.


Stop Interest calculates interest up to the Interest Through date and then does not calculate interest for the selected invoice beyond that date.

To stop interest for an invoice:

1.  Select the Interest Through Date.

2.  Click to select the invoice to stop interest.

3.  Click Stop Interest.  A confirmation prompt displays:


4.  Click Yes to finish the stop interest.  

To generate a report that provides a summary of charges by transaction code revenue type for open invoices for the customer, click Invoices Report.  Then choose whether to print to the screen or to a printer.

Note:  To see a sample of the report, click here.

To close and move to paid history an invoice with a zero balance, click to highlight the desired invoice and then click Close Invoice.  

To change the order in which invoices are paid, click Manage Payment Priorities.

Manage Payment Priorities Step

The Manage Payment Priorities screen allows you to change the order in which invoices are paid.


1.  To change the order in which invoices should be paid , click Plus next to the invoice.  The number for the next available payment is assigned to the invoice and will look similar to this:  .  

2.  To clear all payment priorities for unpaid invoices, click Clear Priorities.

3.  When finished with ordering invoices, click Ok to complete the changes.



Use the Transfers options to transfer all of a balance or selected invoices from one account to another account.  To see the transfer options, click Transfer.

1.  Choose the type of transfer.

  • To transfer all invoices, click Transfer All Balances.  

  • To transfer selected invoices, click to highlight the invoices to transfer and click Transfer Selected Invoices.  Use [Shift] click to highlight multiple invoices.

  • To transfer a credit from one account to another, click Transfer Credit.  

2.  If you select to transfer all balances, the following screen displays:



If you chose to transfer selected invoices this screen displays:



3.  The From account displays the account that is loaded in the Invoices view.

4.  To choose the location or account to which the invoices will be transferred, click Search and the following screen displays:



5.  Select the location or the customer to which the transfer will be made or click Search to find it.  Then, click Ok to close the screen.

6.  Choose the appropriate transaction code for the transfer from the drop-down list.  If there are multiple services for the selected invoices, choose the appropriate transaction code for each service.  Note:  If you are transferring all balances, you do not have the option to choose the transaction code as the cash profile is used for posting the transfer.

7.  The posting date for the transfer displays today's date, but you can change it to whatever date the balance transfer should be posted.

8.  To complete the process, click Transfer .

9.  A confirmation prompt displays with the total amount to be transferred and the account to which the amount will be transferred.  Click Yes to continue.



10.  A balance Transfer journal will print.  Review the transactions on the journal to make sure they are correct.

11.  Close the journal screen and the Balance Transfer Post will update the accounts with the invoices being transferred.  You can see the transfer from the History Inquiry and the Transactions view.  You can see the invoices for the transfer to account from the Invoices view as well.

Transfer Credit

If you choose transfer credit, the process will create and post cash adjustments to transfer the credit invoice from the currently loaded account to another account.  The following screen displays.  You can follow the steps above and you will also need to select the service to which to apply the credit and choose the amount to transfer.

Right-click Menu

To see additional options, right-click in the grid.  Below is an example.

Right-grid options:

  • To expand all rows in the grid, click Expand All.

  • To collapse all rows in the grid, click Collapse All.

  • To copy the information highlighted in the selected rows, click Copy.

  • To begin printing the displayed information, click Print.  The Print dialog opens.

  • Or, to print to the Print Preview window, click Print Preview.

  •  -To create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from the displayed information, click Save as Excel.  This can be handy if you want to further manipulate the report data.  Then, follow the normal Windows® save procedure listed below.

  • - To create a PDF document from the displayed information, click Save as PDF.  Then, follow the normal Windows® save procedure listed below.

  • - To create a Microsoft Word document from the displayed information, click Save as Word.  This can be handy if you want to change the heading or print the report on letterhead.  Then, follow the normal Windows® save procedure listed below.

The Windows Save As steps:

  • At the Save In field, navigate to the desired location.

  • At the File Name field, enter a file name.

  • The Save as Type is set based on the Save as selected:

  • Excel document to save as an Excel file.

  • PDF to save as a PDF document.

  • Word Document to save as a Word document.

  • Click Save .